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Honey with propolis - useful properties and contraindications

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Honey with propolis - useful properties and contraindications

Honey with propolis. Whose beneficial properties and contraindications should be known from and to absolutely everyone.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a remedy for several dozen diseases.

It is also one of the most valuable products of traditional medicine and cosmetology.

And now we will tell you why.

Honey with propolis - useful properties and contraindications

What is propolis?

Propolis is the glue produced by bees.

Insects use it as a construction tool to close holes in their homes.

For its production, bees extract the substance from plant juices, pollen, sticky deciduous, as well as conifers.

The famous physician of antiquity - Ibn Sina (Avicenna), spoke about the antiseptic, embalming, and mummifying properties of the product.

In those days, it was used to extract the ends of arrows and spikes from wounds, since it had a cleansing and softening effect on the injury.

It is also interesting that, unlike honey, propolis can maintain its properties at high temperatures.

For example, when boiling water with honey and propolis, the beneficial effect will be lost only after an hour of exposure to high temperatures.

Honey with propolis - useful properties and contraindications

The composition of propolis is still not fully understood.

Today it is known that it includes more than 200 active compounds and a variety of beneficial substances.

Among them are: flavonoids, organic acids, resins, essential oils, wax, as well as tannins.

Vegetable resins make up from 38 to 60%, balms (essential oils and tannins) - 3-30%, wax - from 7 to 36%.

To prepare healthy honey with propolis, beeswax is crushed, melted by steam and, stirring slowly, a sweet product is added in small portions.

The finished mixture is heated and kneaded until all ingredients are dissolved completely. Depending on the required concentration, add 3, 5 or 10 grams of glue per 100 grams of sweet product.


100 grams of the finished product contains:

  • 0.3 grams of protein
  • up to 71 grams of carbohydrates
  • Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium
  • Vitamins of groups: B, C
  • Enzymes
  • Acids

Honey with propolis - useful properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of honey with propolis

Often, the product is used when it is necessary to stimulate the immune system, that is, with viral or colds.

It is a powerful pain reliever. This effect is because propolis is a natural antibiotic.

And honey has powerful antibacterial properties because it is rich in antioxidants that the body needs in diseases and oxidative processes at the cellular level.

It is also used for burn injuries of the skin, as well as various wounds.

Other useful properties worthy of attention:

  • Slow aging
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Antiseptic effect
  • Treatment of frostbite, burns, flu, acute respiratory infections, colds, arthritis, arthrosis
  • Prevention of diseases of the stomach and respiratory tract

Honey with propolis - useful properties and contraindications

Separately, it is worth highlighting the prevention of hypertension.

Honey with propolis is the most potent remedy in the treatment of hypertensive crises, as it contributes to a painless and gradual decrease in pressure without causing sharp drops.

When treating conjunctivitis or nasal congestion, a "bee gift" diluted in water should be used.

A few drops a day, three days of treatment, and the disease disappears without a trace.

The honey with propolis for women is of great benefit, especially in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

In particular, the product can reduce genital inflammation, have a healing effect on uterine erosion, eliminate rectal fissures, and cure hemorrhoids.

The benefits of honey with propolis deserve special attention to:

  • Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or their prevention
  • Headache reduction
  • Stabilization of the functioning of the liver, kidneys, intestines, and heart

Honey with propolis - useful properties and contraindications

Features of the use of honey with propolis

Pure propolis can be boiled, but we must not forget that under the influence of high temperatures, honey produces a dangerous carcinogen - oxy methyl furfural.

It begins to stand out after reaching 50 ° C. The product can also be harmful if misused.

Since the recommended doses are not indicated on the labels of traditional medicine, before proceeding with the use of honey with propolis, you should study specialized literature or consult a specialist.

Exceeding the dosage can cause the appearance of individual intolerance to the components.

Also, it also entails:

  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Rash
  • Runny nose
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Bronchitis

It is not recommended to use honey with propolis and with:

  • Allergies
  • Diseases of the internal organs
  • Liver disease
  • Biliary Dysfunction
  • Skin lesions

The product is contraindicated in children under three years.

Honey with propolis - useful properties and contraindications


How to take honey with propolis to enhance its beneficial properties

One of the essential points that can direct the effect of honey and increase it is the correctness of taking the remedy.

For example, for defensive purposes, it is enough to eat one teaspoon of goodies 1-2 times a day.

Just do not swallow the product immediately. It should be held for several minutes in the oral cavity, like candy.

If it is necessary to treat wounds and ulcers, honey is applied externally.

It must be diluted with boiled water - a ratio of 1: 1 for inflammation of the eyes, 1: 3 for problems of the nasal cavity, inflammatory processes of the genital organs.

Honey with propolis - useful properties and contraindications

Methods of using honey with propolis with maximum benefit:

  • Healing compress: roll gauze or a bandage in several layers, put honey with propolis on it and attach to the affected area. Keep the bandage for no more than 30 minutes, then wash the substance off the skin with warm water.
  • By adding "bee gifts" to tea, milk, or compote, you will provide yourself with a means to prevent a variety of diseases.
  • For inhalation, the product is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Two tablespoons of honey are mixed with half a teaspoon of propolis and a spoonful of aloe juice. The ingredients should be mixed and applied to the skin for about 15 minutes. This remedy is useful in wound healing.
  • Two tablespoons of propolis tincture and one teaspoon of honey, melted and mixed in a water bath, are applied to the skin as a mask. It helps to get rid of the peeling of dry skin.
  • To prepare a nourishing mask, you need one teaspoon of "bee sweet" with propolis and two tablespoons of fruit puree (apple, pear, and orange in equal amounts).
  • One tablespoon of the sweet product must be melted by steam, then one teaspoon of olive oil and a quarter teaspoon of propolis tincture are added to it. Such a mask will be useful for smoothing wrinkles, both facial and minor, and sincere.
  • The mask of 1 tablespoon of sweets, half a teaspoon of propolis, one tablespoon of healing mud and a drop of esters of rosemary, lavender and tea tree has a beneficial effect on the skin condition. It is used for acne and purulent acne.
  • According to many reviews of the beneficial properties of honey with propolis, a mask of these ingredients in a ratio of 3 grams of bee glue per 100 grams of sweetness can relieve oily sheen and stabilize the sebaceous glands.
  • For the treatment of dandruff, use one tablespoon of henna, St. John's wort essential oil, two tablespoons of whey and one teaspoon of honey. All must be mixed to a homogeneous mass, and then rub with massage movements into the roots and scalp. After 30 minutes, the product is washed off. The procedure can be repeated up to 3 times a week before washing your hair.

The beneficial properties of propolis honey are also useful in treating children.

In this case, the tool has several undeniable advantages that make the tool simply irreplaceable:

  • Taste
  • Vitamins and Minerals

The tool works not only as a cure for many diseases but also as an immunostimulating and immunomodulating drug.

It can be used both internally (with teas and just as sweet) and externally, diluting and applying to the nasal passages and chest.
