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Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

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Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Everyone knows how widely honey is used in cosmetology: store shelves are littered with creams, shampoos, lotions, and masks based on it.

Is this not a great reason to prepare a quality homemade hair care product without throwing away fabulous money?

In this article, we have collected 10+ masks for all types of hair that strengthen, stimulate growth, and give the curls a natural, natural shine.

Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Honey as a cosmetic: the pros and cons

Of course, we all want to have beautiful thick hair, and manufacturers of various cosmetics tirelessly use this desire, promoting new shampoos, masks, and conditioners.

Every day, according to scientists, we apply almost two hundred chemical compounds to the hair, style it, straighten it, curl it, paint it, often without even thinking how it all affects them.

Meanwhile, the hair becomes drier, thinner, dull, and less and less pleasing to us.

It's time to get down to business: the secret to hair health does not lie on the shelves of cosmetic stores.

You can find it in your kitchen.

Honey is an excellent natural hair care product, and here's why:

  • It is safe for curls.
  • The tool is handy for the body as a whole.
  • It is inexpensive, and getting it is not difficult.
Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

It is not known to whom the first thought came to apply everything edible externally. But the fact remains: along with many products, honey has been used as a cosmetic since ancient times.

For centuries, women have applied it to the body and hair, passing on recipes from generation to generation.

So the test of time, this product has passed one hundred percent.


The skin absorbs everything that is applied to it, with fantastic care.

Therefore, it is worth using only natural and healthy products - which include honey.

It makes the immune system stronger and has a positive effect on the entire body, healing and strengthening it.

Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Hair will benefit from applying honey masks to them.

Due to the many active substances contained in honey, this product powerfully cares and enriches curls, nourishes them, and makes them healthy and active.

And the bonus is a pleasant realization that you use a natural, useful, and utterly harmless means for taking care of yourself.

It is worth mentioning the arguments against using honey.

The main one is the contraindication of honey therapy to those who are allergic to the sweetness itself or the pollen from which it is made.

The treat is especially useful for dry and damaged hair.

If you suffer from excessive hairiness, it is better to use other means of the type of skin.

Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

The benefits of honey for hair in detail

How exactly does this natural sweetness help our hair?

Consider the six main ways that honey affects curls:

  • Honey has emollient properties, which makes it a natural conditioner that smoothes the hair structure, making it silky and pleasant to the touch.
  • It improves the health of the hair follicles responsible for growth. According to experts, the use of honey to care for curls can even arouse "spare," dormant follicles, thus making the hair thicker.
  • The treat is a natural antioxidant that positively affects the condition of the skin and stimulates hair growth.
  • The moisturizing properties of honey prevent the loss of fluid, which is necessary for shiny, strong curls and healthy bulbs.
  • Honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It saves the scalp from infections and psoriasis, cleanses it, and prevents dandruff and itching.
  • For dry hair, attractive returns shine, and strength protects from exposure to sunlight, harsh environmental conditions, and harmful substances.
Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

All these fabulous properties make honey a real gift of nature.

But to extract the maximum benefit from the product, you should use it only according to proven and reliable recipes.

10+ honey masks for your hair

Almost everything you need to prepare caring masks can be found in your kitchen.

Reviews of the benefits of using honey for hair in the form of a natural conditioner emphasize the simplicity of preparation and the exceptional properties of these compounds.

The proportions in the recipes are calculated for medium-length hair; if you wear a short haircut or, conversely, very long curls, adjust them accordingly.

Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Mask of honey and olive oil

You will need half a glass of honey and a quarter glass of olive oil.

After mixing the ingredients, microwave them for 30 seconds.

Wait until the mixture cools down a little, and distribute it through the hair, leaving it for about half an hour.

To prevent the mask from leaking, put a unique cap on your head.

Dissolve four tablespoons of sweets in half a liter of water and rinse the mask off the head with this mixture.

Do not rinse your hair with anything else, gently pat it with a towel.


Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Fruit Recipe: Honey and Banana

To prepare, take the ingredients from the previous recipe, and add two bananas to them.

Apply the mixture on the hair, massage movements going all over the head.

Hold the fruit mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with running water and your regular shampoo.

Comb your hair thoroughly and rinse it again under warm water.

For the final treatment, use a mixture of 4 tablespoons of honey per 0.5 liters of pure water.

It is best to make the mixture with a blender - so that the pieces of fruit do not get stuck in the hair; the banana must be mashed.

To make the composition as homogeneous as possible, you can add more olive oil.

Dry Hair Ambulance: Add Avocado

Peel the vegetable and mash it, then mix with half a glass of sweetness.

Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Apply to the head and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse in two steps: shampoo and honey water.


Yogurt mask for glitter of curls

This recipe also works great against dandruff thanks to the acidic ingredients found in dairy products.

Take a glass of yogurt without additives and half a glass of honey, mix and distribute along the entire length of the hair.

Hold for about 15 minutes, then rinse in two steps.

You can experiment by replacing yogurt with kefir, yogurt, or low-fat sour cream.

Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Mask of honey and coconut oil

Coconut oil has powerful moisturizing and conditioning properties.

It can often be found in styling products for unruly, fluffy hair.

The mask is prepared very quickly: half a glass of oil is mixed with an equal amount of honey.

Massage the mixture in the head and leave for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off in two steps.

Sweetness and acid: honey with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar gives the hair a pleasant shine and also contributes to easy combing.

For a quarter cup of goodies, you need to take ten tablespoons of vinegar, mix them thoroughly, and wash your hair, using the composition instead of shampoo.

Hold for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with clean, warm water.

Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Mask "Winnie": honey and nothing more

Add a tablespoon of honey to your shampoo. Massage into the scalp and hold for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with clean running water.

It is recommended to use this composition for at least a month for the appearance of a noticeable effect.

Honey mask with pomegranate juice

Such a mask accelerates the growth of curls, makes their color more saturated and vibrant.

Its recipe is simple: you need to mix three tablespoons of juice and one honey.

Please note that in this case, the juice from the store will not work; you only need to use a real live product without the addition of sugar.

Rub the mixture into the hair roots and leave for half an hour, then rinse in the usual way under warm running water.

Honey Cinnamon Mask

Cinnamon, like pomegranate juice, perfectly stimulates growth and strengthens the hair as a whole.

Mix a tablespoon of cinnamon with two of any vegetable or cosmetic oil.

Hold the composition in a water bath for about 15 minutes, then add a tablespoon of melted honey.

Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Apply to scalp and entire hair for about an hour.

Brightening mask with honey for hair

This mask is best done at night.

Wash your hair before the procedure using your regular shampoo with a quarter of a teaspoon of soda.

Apply the honey preheated to body temperature over the entire length, put on a unique hat on your head, and leave the composition on your hair all night.

Rinse off in the morning, and you will see that your curls will become a tone or two lighter.

Mask with honey for hair loss

Grind a small onion and a few cloves of garlic in a blender, then mix with honey in a ratio of 4: 1, rub into the roots, spread the rest over the entire length, and leave it on your hair for half an hour.

If your curls suffer from excessive dryness, you can add a little olive or burdock oil to the mask.

Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Nourishing mask with vinegar and oil

This mask is recommended to be applied to the damaged ends of the hair.

To prepare it, mix two tablespoons of honey with one vinegar and the same amount of vegetable oil.

Rub into the ends of the hair and leave for half an hour.

Mask against section of hair

The following composition perfectly moisturizes curls, cares for them, makes them healthy, and prevents the ends from being cut.

Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with one vinegar and one almond oil.

We apply for half an hour, after which we wrap our heads with a film and a towel, rinse with ordinary shampoo.

Honey masks for curls - 10 best recipes

Secrets and Tips for Using Honey for Hair

Most cosmetics on store shelves are the same composition under different labels.

With honey, everything is simple and clear: all the ingredients are entirely natural and mixed under your control.

A few secrets will help you get the most out of each hair mask with honey:

  • Choose pure organic honey. You can warm it a little at home, but remember that the ultra-pasteurized product from the store no longer has any useful properties.
  • Using treats as a permanent supplement to shampoo, you can improve the hair, without putting much effort.
  • By straightening or stacking curls every day, you can negate the full benefits of honey for hair. Take care of your natural wealth, and appreciate natural beauty!
  • Do not use masks with honey and soothing ingredients if you already have oily hair. Their condition from this will only worsen.
  • Do not use masks daily. Once or twice a week is enough.
  • Be patient. The effect is not instantaneous: it will take from a week to a month, but the wait is worth it!

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