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Being a Woman - 15+ Ways to Generate Feminine Energy within You

Category: FAMILY / Man and Woman
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Being a Woman

Female energy - what is it and how to reveal it? Is it possible to work it out in yourself, and if so, how to do it? Many videos, training, and books offer "quick and effective" solutions, but the truth is that there is no speedy way.

To be filled with female power, you need to understand it, realize your unique nature and awaken as a Woman.

We have selected for you 15+ best ways to focus and accumulate truly feminine energy inside.

Being a Woman

Stop list: what leads to energy exhaustion in women and how to avoid it

You can often hear that modern women have entirely forgotten how to be women.

It would seem that nonsense - how can one unlearn how to be who you physically are from birth?

Nevertheless, it is true. To be on a par with men or just out of habit doing a lot on their own, women begin to lose their unique energy, embedded in them by nature.

And so it turns out: it looks like a female person, but you can't make out by sensations.

Why is this happening?

It should be dealt with first of all because if you do not stop doing something that deprives you of strength. You will never succeed in accumulating new ones.

Being a Woman

Several main energy absorbers hinder you on the path to gaining spiritual harmony:

  • Resentment and unspoken feelings
  • Internal monologue
  • Experiencing the past
  • Unresolved Relationship Problems
  • Stress and Disease
  • Unfinished business

Female energy is the moon. Quiet, mysterious, attractive, and mysterious.

There is no activity in it; it is the prerogative of male solar energy, and therefore stop doing the hard work intended for men. They can do it!

To feel her nature, a woman must be joyful and full, which means she must be able to please herself and accept the joy that others give her.

And, of course, you need to be able to listen to yourself - because female energy lives in the very depths of the soul of every lady.

All that is needed to awaken her is attention and only a little effort.

Being a Woman

Physical methods for generating female energy

A woman can endure very, very much - no one will ever argue with this.

Often gentle and fragile ladies show endurance, which is difficult to suspect in them.

But there is a sure remedy that can instantly turn a stern tigress into an affectionate domestic cat.

And this is nothing but physical affection, care, and care.

TIP: THE listed methods and means may seem insignificant and not too dangerous, but try to make them all (and yourself) quite a bit.

Being a Woman

Sauna and massage

The best way is to get together and visit the steam room in the company of friends. Here, relaxation and refreshing communication, and rest - there are no benefits.

And after a relaxing heat and a tonic pool, visit a massage therapist: he will arrange the final relaxation of each muscle in your body, disperse stagnant energy and relieve stress.

Manicure and pedicure

These uncomplicated procedures are the most powerful batteries for female energy.

Keeping your hands and feet well-groomed and neat, you become a little more confident in yourself, in your beauty and compelling.

And who will not be pleased with beautifully designed nails, tender palms, and heels?


Being a Woman

Body, face and hair care

How often and how carefully do you care for yourself? For many women, hygiene and caring procedures are limited to a quick shower, face cream, and combine a couple of times a day.

It is enough to maintain accuracy, but for the accumulation of female energy, it is worth considering more pleasant and lengthy activities.

Among them:

  • Bath with essential oils
  • Fragrant body scrubs and gels
  • Nourishing Hair Masks
  • Facial cleansers and emollients

And, of course, do not forget to take care of your skin all year long.

Sunscreen is necessary both in summer and in winter, and in cold weather, the skin needs additional hydration and nutrition. Keep your beauty - it's feminine and right!

Being a Woman

Makeup and outfits

Every woman wants to look spectacular, but makeup and outfits are often reserved for solemn outings, holidays, and significant events.

This approach cannot be called right.

Dress beautifully always and everywhere, especially at home, even if you live alone and even more so if your loved one is near you.

A man will feel completely special if a woman dresses up for him (even if no one else sees). And you get a powerful charge of the right energy when you look into his shining eyes.

Walking, yoga, and dancing

Any physical activity is very beneficial for the body and soul.

If you do not have time to play sports, choose options that do not require significant investments on your part. But at the same time, it helps to concentrate and increase female energy.

These include:

  • Walks
  • Yoga
  • Dancing

Being a Woman

I want to note the latter mainly because the feminine principle is revealed in the dance and carries with itself reality itself.

It does not have to be ballroom or other "studio" dances - you can turn on your favorite music at home and move under it as your body tells you.


Psychology and communication for the accumulation of woman's power

Surely you have heard that women are by nature more talkative than men.

But do you know that the need to talk is one of the main things for a lady, and unspoken words, accumulating, can cause stress or even become causes of illness?

Do not bring it to this. But you shouldn't dump all your emotions, feelings and thoughts on a man - most likely, he'll "blow his brain".

Being a Woman

Here are a few areas in which you can direct your desire to chat more safely for others and is useful for you:

  • Girlfriends. Women need long conversations with other ladies - this energizes them and allows them to relax morally. And do not listen to any complaints - it's a blessing that with mobile phones, the "always busy line" is no longer a problem!
  • Psychologist. To understand problems at work or in a relationship without "sawing" anyone is an art, and a specialist is ideally suited for this. Also, he can help you understand yourself and find balance in those moments when life seems to be shaky.
  • Seniors. Be it parents or directly respected individuals, Teachers - communicating with them is incredibly useful for women. The life task of the ladies is to maintain a home and connection with their ancestors, and they haven't come up with a better way to do this than communicate with elders.

A considerable role is played not only by quantity but also by the quality of communication.

Try to make sure that in your environment, there are only like-minded people who understand and share your life views and aspirations.

Communicate with those who inspire you to strive for more and go along this path with you.

But for those people who condemn you, give uninvited advice and generally "teach life" from their point of view, it is better not to waste time if you want to develop female strength and energy in yourself.

Being a Woman


Creativity and self-development as tools for energy storage

Feminine hobbies that are in harmony with your nature will help awaken the inner creativity and strengthen female power.

Do not take "feminine hobbies" as a verdict to engage in needlework, singing, and growing flowers.

They are also included in the list of suitable activities, but actually, you can apply yourself in almost any business.

Here are a few examples to help you become aware of every possible variety of hobbies:

  • Music and singing
  • Shopping
  • Travel (secular or spiritual)
  • Reading or writing
  • Photography (on both sides of the lens)
  • Cookery
  • Caring for your home and loved ones
  • Drawing and design
  • Parenting

Being a Woman

And this is just a fraction of the options.

Remember: work to your liking will help you open up and tune in to the same wave with the Universe. And she knows for sure that you are a Woman and can awaken this energy!

That is why the lady, who is in harmony with the outside world, looks feminine and attractive - just the way the bearer of the feminine should be.

We wish you good luck on the path of awakening your feminine energy!
