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Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

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Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

Everything is simple with the energy of our body: either you control it, or it is you.

Kundalini energy is the personal creative potential of each person.

Yoga, however, allows you to realize how it flows through the body, exacerbates sensitivity and helps to become more productive, using the capabilities of the body to the maximum.

Being engaged, you learn to find harmony in yourself and get acquainted with the internal creative power that originates in the universe and manifests itself through you.

Kundalini yoga is easy.

We have prepared several yoga asanas that will help you easily understand the essence of the direction and with pleasure, start the classes.

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

In kundalini, a person is considered as an integral system, and in video tutorials on kundalini yoga. You will again get to know your body, working comprehensively with various systems through energy centers - chakras.

You can also improve your health and recover from diseases caused by nerves.


Kundalini yoga exercises, as you will see in the online video tutorials, are performed in combinations called kriyas.

Kriyas consist of several elements: breathing, movements, sounds.

All of them are done in a certain way, in a calm atmosphere, with a positive (or at least calm) attitude.

Each kriya works out a specific area of the body.

It is worth noting that before starting kundalini yoga classes, you can take a course in Shank Prakshalany, which allows you to cleanse the body.

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

Kundalini yoga online. Lesson structure

Practice always begins with the chanting of the Adi Mantra.

It reads as follows: “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo,” which means “I bow to sacred wisdom.”

This mantra helps to tune in the right way and clear your head of unnecessary thoughts, focusing on yoga.

You will hear the correct singing of this line in the lessons on the video on kundalini yoga.


Some precede doing a warm-up, greeting the sun, or stretching in other asanas.

For us, this is not very relevant, because each video lesson in kundalini yoga begins with special exercises for warming up muscles.

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

After this is the fulfillment of the kriya itself, it may include breathing exercises, asanas, active movements, elements of short meditations.

After the completion of the complex, you can relax for some time, lounging in the "corpse pose" (Shavasana).

The kriya ends with the chanting of the mantra: "Sat Nam," which means "I radiate the truth."

What you need for a kundalini yoga lesson

For homework, kundalini is unlikely to have to go to the store. Everything you need is already at your fingertips.

To study kriy, you will need:

  • A small rug that is comfortable to sit and lie. You can use karemat.
  • Comfortable clothes. Kriyas are often quite active, so choose an outfit in which it will not be hot.
  • A place with a favorable view of the monitor to watch video lessons on kundalini yoga.

Place a glass of clean water next to it so you can take a couple of sips if you get tired from training or feel lightly dizzy.

You can also use lemon water with a spoonful of honey.

Kundalini Yoga. Home lessons

For acquaintance with kundalini yoga, we have chosen free video lessons from Maya Fiennes.

This cheerful woman with a contagious smile will help you get comfortable on the path to understanding the practice of kundalini.

And, we hope, it will just give a good mood for the whole day!

Lesson 1. Muladhara

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

The first chakra, muladhara, is also called the root of life.

It is located below, in the region of the anus, and is the energy basis of all existence.

The Shakespearean eternal question of “to be or not to be” is exactly what this area is responsible for.

If your life has a lot of stress, you often feel inexplicable fatigue, loss of strength. And a desire to do something - most likely, your muladhara is unbalanced.

A robust and healthy muladhara is a guarantee that the body will be timely released from toxins, and you will be charged with calmness and feel the influx of vitality.

The first video kundalini yoga lesson for beginners will show which exercises will help to tidy up the first chakra.

Lesson 2. Swadhistan

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

The second chakra is located in the lower abdomen.

She is called svadhisthana and is responsible for sexuality, desires, and passion.

This energy center helps to achieve your goals.

An unbalanced svadhisthana can lead to the fact that you are captivated by destructive feelings and emotions:

  • Shame
  • Anger
  • Wines
  • Indignation
  • Envy, etc.

By blocking them, you cause harm to the body: the suppressed emotions associated with the second energy center, pour out in the form of problems with the pituitary gland, liver, pancreas, affecting digestion and immunity.

Healthy svadhisthana means openness, temperament, creativity, creativity, sexuality, a healthy relationship with a partner, and ease in making money.

It helps to gain self-confidence and achieve your goals.

Lesson 3. Manipura

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

The third chakra, manipura is the center of activity. It is located in the navel area.

In her area of responsibility are activity, freedom, self-expression, the pursuit of justice, and business qualities.

Violations in the work of the chakra lead to manifestations of anger, greed, shame, and despair, and physiologically result in the malfunction of the digestive system, gall bladder, liver.

And even simple vegetarian food does not leave a feeling of lightness in this case.

Healthy manipura will help to gain a strong will, to realize ambitions, to achieve heights in work, relationships, and creativity.

In the third online video lesson, you will see a set of kundalini yoga exercises for beginners that will help to reveal and train manipura for a healthy and ambitious life.

Lesson 4. Anahata

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

Flower of love, the fourth energy center of the body, anahata - the chakra of love, which is located in the solar plexus.

This desire for beauty, harmony, balance, and love in life, in nature and people.

Violations of the energies of the fourth chakra lead to the occurrence of:

  • Love addictions
  • Unnecessary affection
  • Doubt
  • Sadness
  • Loneliness

Blocking this center affects the functioning of the heart and lungs.

To be sociable, not make demands on other people and see the beauty in everything that surrounds you. Open and balance anahata with a free video tutorial on kundalini yoga and a few simple asanas that will help you find harmony.

Lesson 5. Vishuddha

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

The fifth chakra, located in the throat, is called vishudha.

It plays the role of the center of truth, talent, intuition, and in physiological terms correlates with the thyroid gland.

Thus, problems with the throat chakra lead to the following disorders in the body:

  • Nervous system disorders
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Loss of muscle tone
  • Irregular body temperature

A healthy and balanced vishudha will make you an open person who speaks the truth fluently, to whose words one hears.

You will be a source of inspiration for others.

You will also learn to get up early, without experiencing any difficulties, and happily, meet every new day.

Lesson 6. Ajna

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

The third eye chakra, as you might guess from its name, is located in the center of the forehead and is responsible for knowledge, intuition, foresight, logic, and a deep understanding of things.

Developed ajna gives intense creativity, concentration, powerful intuition, vivid imagination, initiative, and planning ability.

Imbalances in the third eye lead to a complete denial of spontaneity, blocking of emotions and spirituality as part of life.

It also entails pituitary problems, depression, and depression.

How to avoid all these negative consequences, you will learn in the sixth video tutorial for beginners on kundalini yoga.

Lesson 7. Sahasrara

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

The seventh, crown, chakra crowns the body and is responsible for communication with the universe, the unconscious, God.

Closed sahasrara manifests itself in the form of fear of death, sadness, and despair, as well as a denial of the spiritual side of life.

A healthy and robust chakra fills with humility, confidence, a sense of unity with the outside world.

A few useful tips for beginners

Kundalini yoga is the key to your happiness

Before you start the first kundalini lesson, check out these tips: they will make your classes more comfortable, more enjoyable, and more productive.

  • Sit comfortably. If in the position shown in the video, your back, tailbone, or other parts of the body begin to hurt. Do not suffer discomfort: feel free to change position until you feel comfortable.
  • Provide support to the limbs. In the lotus position, the knees are in weight, and you will probably begin to hunch your back. To avoid this, you can place pillows under your knees, easing the load on your back and pelvic joints.
  • Do not neglect workouts. No matter how you want to immediately go to the kriyas, first warm up the body. It will help to avoid sprains and injuries, and will also set you in the right way.
  • Cover your spine and head. Extra warmth will help you focus, so make sure there are no drafts in the classroom. It is best to choose clothes for practice from natural fabrics — for example, cotton.
  • Pick the right music. In our video tutorials on kundalini yoga, there is already musical accompaniment, but in the future, you can find personal favorite melodies for exercises.

After class, you should take a bath with salt and aromatic oils.

This procedure will complete the relaxation process and give you a few pleasant minutes.

TIP: Try not to stoop and straighten your shoulders. Often the body aches from the weakness of untrained muscles.
