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7+ steps to help speed up the body's metabolism

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7 steps to help speed up the body's metabolism

Everyone who dreams of an ideal figure should know how to speed up the metabolism in the body.

How often do you look enviously at friends who can eat without stopping? And at the same time remain in their previous form, while others quite the opposite - continuously exhaust themselves with diets?

We figure out how to avoid such a fate and subjugate our metabolism.

7 steps to help speed up the body's metabolism

Metabolism - what is it?

Want to know how to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight?

First, let's look at what metabolism itself is and what consequences if it is violated can harm you.

So, every day, various nutrients enter our body, which we use to maintain energy and a healthy life.

Even when you sleep or are entirely calm, you need the energy that your body uses.

Based on this, we can understand that this is an ongoing process consisting of several stages:

  • Catabolism is the decomposition of complex substances and tissues into simpler ones. In the future, they will be used to support any processes in the body.
  • Anabolism is the process of creating structures and tissues, and it is at this moment that muscle tissue gets the opportunity to recover.
7 steps to help speed up the body's metabolism

Several factors can affect metabolism:

  • Floor
  • Age
  • The weight
  • Adipose tissue and its amount in the body
  • Chronic diseases

It is no secret that the metabolic rate directly affects the organization of the whole body.

It extends to the proper absorption of nutrients and the formation of hormones.

From this list, one cannot exclude appearance, fat, water, which depend on the metabolic rate.

Its level can also affect the number of kilocalories that each of us needs for a healthy life.

How to set the metabolic rate?

Everyone is interested in the question of how to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight at home, but rarely anyone wonders what it should be reasonable.

Often, seeing a complete man who eats very little, we think that he has a slow metabolism, but this may not always be true.

7 steps to help speed up the body's metabolism

Most likely, he does not eat revealingly and completely breaks off alone.

Although it is not necessary to exclude chronic diseases and reasons that can provoke completeness.

That is why you must learn to determine the level of metabolism and the amount of energy needed by the body per day.

There is a universal formula of kilocalories, which will help to calculate the required amount of energy consumed.

For men, it looks like this:
(66 + (13.7 * weight) + (5 * height) - (6.8 * age)) * 1.2

For women:

(655 + (9.6 * weight) + (1.8 * height) - (4.7 * age)) * 1.2

The result is your primary metabolism. It is the average number of calories a person can spend per day.

It includes daily activities, but not physical exercise.

7 steps to help speed up the body's metabolism

Having received your result, you will understand how much you can spend without gaining a single extra gram without harm to health.


Causes of metabolic disorders

If you are interested in how to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight after 30 years, you should understand why it has worsened over the years.

Consider the main reasons:

Low-calorie diet

The first of these is low-calorie nutrition. Starting to limit yourself in food, you can not get the amount of energy that the body needs.

It is because of this that the body is continuously under stress, and the signal to actively store fat enters the brain.

If we consider the situation, on the other hand, the body begins to slow down all the processes and those calories that come in, it turns out to be enough.

7 steps to help speed up the body's metabolism


The second reason may be the diet. If you want to eat right, do it 4-5 times a day in small portions.

Nutrients should be delivered gradually, and not once. A massive amount of energy is expended on digestion.

Therefore, if you do not heat your metabolism, it will enter rest, calories will start to go low, and it will not bring any benefits.

Moreover, if a meal will occur once a day, you will receive only excess body fat.

Sedentary lifestyle

If you are interested in how to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight after 50 years, the answer is simple: get rid of the third reason - a sedentary lifestyle.

Anyone knows: if you are active enough, exercise, you have a good appetite and shape, excess weight can not appear.

7 steps to help speed up the body's metabolism

It occurs for various reasons, one of which is the increase in heart rate due to which the blood works much faster while entering into different chemical processes.

Thus, the amount of oxygen in the body increases, fatty acids begin to break down under its influence.

Plus, with active sports, having developed muscles, fat burning is more active in the muscles.



You can speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight after 40 years by minimizing the lack of vitamins and minerals.

It is at this age that the deficit begins to be felt, especially acutely. The main thing is to keep the carbohydrate balance healthy.

7 steps to help speed up the body's metabolism

Also, watch out for fruits and vegetables that you buy in the market, and in the supermarket, they can contain a massive amount of nitrates and nitrites.

All vitamins are hidden under our nose, and the main thing is to distinguish a high-quality product.

Water balance

And, of course, the fifth reason is the water balance. Water is essential for the body, and if its shortage is at a critical level, it becomes hazardous to health.

The transformation of nutrients occurs in the intercellular fluid, and its balance affects metabolism, like nothing else.


A few simple tips on how to speed up the metabolism in the body at home:

  • Eat every 2-3 hours
  • Each serving should not exceed 250 gr
  • Balance your diet: 45% protein, 25% carbohydrates, 15% fat
  • Sleep at least 7 hours

Ways to Speed Up Your Body's Metabolism for Weight Loss

Build muscles, and this is very important because it is in them that fat cells are burned.

You should understand that 1 kg of muscle burns about 100 kcal per day.

Fat itself may not always be involved in this process.

7 steps to help speed up the body's metabolism

The exception is when you subject yourself to intense training.

As a result, the body needs much more energy than at rest, and it begins to burn its stores of fat.

There should always be proteins in your diet. Having a lack of protein, you can get an imbalance in all nutrients.

Many people believe that the answer to the question of how to speed up the metabolism in the body is simple - these are tablets and vitamin complexes.

And they are gravely mistaken where it is more important to drink water.

The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly in small sips throughout the day.

Take a small bottle with you to work or study and drink a little throughout the day at least 2 liters per day, starting with one glass after waking up.

Do not skip breakfast. Eating in the morning is essential, remember: it must be completed to accelerate the metabolic process for the whole day.

7 steps to help speed up the body's metabolism

Without eating in the morning, the body will not be able to wake up until lunch.

In this case, do not forget to alternate calories. Once every seven days, you can afford calories that exceed the standard rate.

So you will avoid stress and will not feel a lack of energy.

Do not forget about physical activity, even if there are a vast number of excuses not to go to the gym.

We must not forget about the rest. After an active day, get enough sleep.

Otherwise, you will feel bad, and your appetite will be gone, your muscles will become weaker and motionless.

It is because the body itself begins to save energy. Go to bed no later than 23.00.

Last advice: try to avoid stressful situations at all costs, learn to enjoy the little things that surround us every day.
