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10+ pros and cons of winter runs

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10 pros and cons of winter runs

If running in the winter on the street is new to you, we will talk about its benefits and harms to the body in this article.

Of course, winter running can harm health, although many tend to engage even in the cold season.

And this is not surprising: running is an excellent cardio training, with which you can reduce the risk of heart disease, blood vessels, problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Starting to run, you can maintain an unusual shape, be in the right way, develop self-control, determination, and willpower all year round.

10 pros and cons of winter runs

The benefits and harms of running for your body

If you decide to start jogging in the winter, think carefully, because the consequences can be very different.

It is necessary to calculate all aspects of training to achieve excellent results and not regret your decision ultimately.

But first, let's find out everything about running on the street in winter, and examine its benefits and harms.

Health effects

If you decide to go for a run, and on the street, the temperature has not yet reached -15, there is no strong wind at all, and you will not find the best conditions.

In this way, you can achieve a positive result for health, as well as a beneficial effect on the muscles, all internal organs, and immunity.

In spite of everything, the body will be tempered; in the future, temperature changes will not make you tremble. One cannot but take into account the fact that the lungs and heart are well developed under such conditions.

Today, many are trying to winter at home and go out less, but this is entirely wrong.

Having done just one run, you get the necessary supply of oxygen, which you will not find in the four walls.

10 pros and cons of winter runs


Clean air is essential for the normal functioning of the whole organism, which is why it is the main advantage of running in the winter.

As for the negative, then it is quite a bit.

There are two basic rules that you must follow in order not to do enormous harm to your body when jogging in the winter.

  • It is essential to choose the right clothes. Otherwise, you can get hypothermia and earn a massive list of diseases. Below you will find tips on how to avoid this effect.
  • If the temperature is shallow, you risk burning your lungs. Therefore, if running in winter was a discovery for you, you should not immediately rush into the pool with your head, follow all instructions, be careful. In the future, a scarf on your face or a special protective mask will help you cope with cold air.
10 pros and cons of winter runs

Effect on the body and muscles in general

Running in the winter on the street is a massive benefit for the body of any person, but you need to approach it with caution and prudence.

Its main advantages for muscles are:

  • In winter, the tracks are slippery, so much more muscle is involved in the work than when jogging on regular asphalt. The muscles of the hips, buttocks, and calf joints of the ankle joint begin to work much better, thus strengthening.
  • If you run in the snow, the thigh rises much higher, at which time its front surface is well trained. In the summer, you must force yourself to raise it for the same effect.

As for the damage that winter jogging does, you need to be very careful.

Before starting the workout, knead the muscles well, because otherwise, at the beginning of the cross, they can break.

Especially if you have obstacles in the way, it is straightforward to tuck your leg.

Do not neglect the warm-up or at least run for the first ten minutes on a flat surface.

10 pros and cons of winter runs

Effect on overweight

The primary and significant advantage of practicing in winter over summer is that all muscles are taut, so they get a huge load, regardless of whether you want it or not.

It is precisely what you need to lose extra pounds.

With the help of running, all fat is converted into energy, so we can conclude that in winter the chance of losing weight increases by about 30%.

It can be considered a universal tool to say goodbye to excess weight.

Running in the winter on the street can be harmful. The weather is quite variable, and it is not always easy to guess what it will be tomorrow and even in the next half hour.

And to lose weight, you need constant, regular classes.

Therefore, those runs that you can do will not be able to bring the expected result, because often you will need to sit out due to weather conditions.

You also need to remember that in the winter, our body voluntarily accumulates fat - this is the best heat insulator. So the body of any person is reluctant to part with its excess.

10 pros and cons of winter runs

If you want to improve your results in running both medium and long distances, learn the correct breathing, technique, warm-up, and also concentrate on the exact strength work.

In this, you can become great helpers on videos about the dangers and benefits of winter running.

How to make your runs safe and effective?

If you decide to play sports in the winter seriously, for this you need:

  • Good physical fitness. Start gradually, as long runs can cause injuries. After the first unsuccessful run, you are unlikely to want to repeat everything. Therefore, continuously do a warm-up and distribute the load as much as you can.
  • Breath. It is necessary to pay special attention to it; with it, training can be both successful and failure. When you start running, remember that you inhale the air with your nose, and exhale with your mouth, it is of great importance. Having done everything as you need, you will help him warm up when the air enters, so you can forget about hypothermia, pneumonia. And other diseases that are associated with the respiratory system.
  • Training duration. It is not necessary for the first lesson to "squeeze out all the juices," increase the load gradually, the total training time should not exceed half an hour. After its completion, it is better to go home to keep warm. If possible, take a hot shower, rub the body so that blood circulation will improve. If you jog early in the morning, you can drink some hot tea and eat a hearty breakfast within forty minutes after it.
  • Equipment is an essential component of successful classes. If you were able to choose the right clothes for yourself, then comfort while jogging is provided to you. There is an unspoken rule of three layers of clothing. The first is sweat protection. Its main task is the absolute removal of sweat to the second layer. It will be enough for you to purchase thermal underwear. But keep in mind that it must be of high quality, from natural materials, of course, the addition of synthetic fibers is not excluded. In this way, you can get excellent skin thermoregulation and moisture removal. It is the second layer that is responsible for thermoregulation. An excellent choice for this is fleece. Third - with its help, you need to get maximum protection from various kinds of adverse conditions that surround you (snow, wind).
10 pros and cons of winter runs


As for the choice of gloves, hats, and shoes, one must also be careful here.

Everything should be made of natural materials, and the hat should completely cover the neck.

If heavy snow is approaching, it is better to have special glasses, and they will not allow to spoil the visibility.

As for shoes, it is better to stop at more well-known companies that have already been tested by more than one athlete and explicitly designed for running on the street in winter.

Pay attention to:

  • Fur insulation
  • Equipped with an individual relief on the sole, it will help prevent slipping
  • Lacing density, it should not allow snow to get inside
10 pros and cons of winter runs

So, you have learned everything about running in the winter on the street, its benefits, and harm to the body.

Therefore, if you observe all of the above conditions for training, jogging will bring the expected result and will be exclusively in joy.
