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We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony

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We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony

There are a lot of indoor plants, and figuring out which flowers must be in the house is not so simple.

In different cultures, home plants have their meanings; completely different signs are associated with them.

Interestingly, the Old World is distinguished by the abundance of "grandmother's wisdom," while the Americans preserved only mythological stories about flowers, but not popular beliefs.

How to understand which flowers should be in the house, and which are better not to bring in the house?

Let's understand, looking at the same time in the photo with the names and descriptions of plants.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony

The benefits of home plants: the pros and cons of the apartment "garden"

Would you like to have a "green corner" at home? Sooner or later, almost everyone asks himself this question.

But if some people decide without delay that this is a great idea and bring it to life, others find many excuses in order not to incur unnecessary trouble.

Here are just a few of the most popular:

  • Home plants are hard to care for.
  • Growing beautiful flowers is expensive: you need soil, pots, fertilizers
  • They will often have to be transplanted, for which I do not have time
  • In my house, there is no place for plants
  • I will not be able to maintain the conditions necessary for colors

Did you recognize yourself in any of the statements?

I want to please: for any of the listed "excuses," there is an effective and straightforward solution.

If only because of these reasons you have long refused a miniature home garden, then reconsider your decision, given that the plants are different.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


Some need to be looked after regularly, while others are so unpretentious that they will delight in flowering even with one watering for six months.

Some flowers grow to gigantic proportions and require a separate angle, while others remain pretty tiny shoots all their flower life.

In general, among the many domestic plants, you can find "your own" - most importantly, decide on this.

By the way, the greenery of the house not only pleases the eye but also benefits, positively affecting both the physical and psychological state of a person.

I collected the TOP-5 facts confirmed by research on how the presence of plants affects the health and mood of a person:

Make breathing easier

As you know, from the school curriculum, when breathing, we consume oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

In plants, the opposite is exact: during "exhalation," they release oxygen into the air, increasing its level throughout the house.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


It becomes easier to breathe; the tissues of the human body are better absorbed by oxygen, which affects both the general condition and appearance.


Helps Resist Disease

Most plants are natural humidifiers.

Absorbing water through the roots, they evaporate it through the leaves, making the air 10% more saturated with water particles.

Norwegian University of Agriculture has found that water separation in domestic plants reduces the risk of getting a cold, sore throat, cough, or developing dermatological problems with dry skin.

Also, the wetter the air - the less the influenza virus lives and maintains activity in it.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


Purify the air

NASA has done a lot of research on how to maintain air quality in confined spaces.

For the astronauts on the ISS, this is critically important, but the inhabitants of the Earth have learned something interesting from the agency's test results.

It turned out that many plants not only produce oxygen but also absorb, in addition to carbon dioxide, many other impurities and elements - often toxic to humans.

According to NASA, the most useful plants in terms of air purification are:

  • Spathiphyllum
  • Epipremnum Golden
  • Ivy
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Gerbera
  • Sansevieria three-way
  • Dips yellowish
  • Azalea
  • Dracaena bent
  • Chlorophytum crested

According to NASA recommendations, for every 9-10 square meters of space, there should be one plant in a pot.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


Stimulate regeneration

A study by the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information showed that the presence of houseplants in hospital rooms accelerates rehabilitation, reduces pressure, alleviates pain, and relieves fatigue.

Plant care is even more conducive to quick recovery, as demonstrated by the results of a study by the University of Texas A&M.

In other words, if you want to be healthy and recover quickly from any ailment - find out what flowers must be in the house.

And do not forget to check the names and photos before purchasing the plant.

Stimulate brain function

Partly due to the generated oxygen, partly due to the soothing green color of the foliage - home plants help to concentrate and remember new information many times better.

The University of Michigan found that being near plants improves long-term memory by about 20%.

A study from Norway showed that the presence of flowers in the office significantly increases the productivity of employees.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony

Money Tree

All of the above convincingly proves that flowers in the house are not only possible but necessary: physical health will only benefit.

Well, what about the point of view of plant energy and their "unscientific" beneficial properties?

Let's figure it out and determine from which instances it is best to make a home green corner.

What flowers should be in the house: 10+ best options

For our ancestors, nature was one of the leading forces in life - they listened to it, asked for some favors, and were even a little afraid in places.

And it is quite logical that when nature got into the house in the form of home plants, various beliefs spread to this manifestation of it.

According to popular beliefs, some plants attract good, others - wrong.

So what kind of flowers must be in the house, and which ones are best to stay away?

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


The following plants are distinguished by negative energy, according to popular wisdom:

  • Ivy. It is believed that this pretty creeping greenery survives from the house of men: for married ladies, this threatens with divorce, and for lonely women - maintaining status.
  • Ficus For unknown reasons, the plant is associated with widows with all the ensuing possible consequences.
  • Monstera. A flower with a very speaking name is considered a real vampire plant that draws energy from its owners.
  • Tradescantia, hoyi, cissus, etc. - Like ivy, they are considered "exiles" of men. And tradescantia also provokes the spread of rumors about the owners.
  • Violet. According to the old legend, young girls should stay away from small flowers - either they will drive away the grooms. Or they will contribute to marriage if necessary, but not out of love.
  • Cactus. Surly thorn, according to the omen, kills passion in a pair and also contributes to male alcoholism.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


To believe such signs or not is everyone's personal choice.

I can only say that our faith itself gives strength to beliefs - this, unlike the gloomy abilities of home flowers, is proved by science.

Well, in practice, many families continue to live happily growing ivy and tradescantia, while others disperse even without the "help" of plants.

As for the flowers, which must be in the house according to popular beliefs, these include the following:

  • Chlorophytum. People call this plant "family happiness" and "champagne splashes" - a very speaking name.
  • Oxalis and hibiscus will help to find love and passion in a relationship. To arouse your sensuality, it is recommended to grow avocados at home.
  • Cactus. Yes, the thorn "lit up" and positively - these contradictory signs are so conflicting. Few people have not heard that cacti correctly absorb excess electromagnetic radiation (and therefore are good near computers and other equipment). Also, according to legend, they protect the house from uninvited guests and ill-wishers.
  • Fern. The pot will help him if the ill-wishers have already crossed your threshold: according to popular wisdom, fern deflects corruption and the evil eye.
  • Crassula, or "money tree." If you are looking for the answer to the question of what kind of flowers must be in the house for money, then the name of this plant speaks for itself. And to strengthen its effect will help sporotsvetok or trees of citrus fruits - orange, lemon, kumquat.
  • Ficus is another "double agent" of folk signs. Of good qualities, he is credited with attracting good luck and prosperity to the house, as well as peace and tranquility in the family.
  • Geranium, according to rumor, gives vitality and teaches a philosophical attitude to problems.
  • Aloe, like cacti, protects against intruders and misfortunes. By the way, not only energetically - after all, from aloe, you can make an excellent remedy for a cold.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


Unlike the "bad" signs, this can be believed - because if you strengthen their action with your real confidence, the effect will appear.

One of the most effective methods for developing positive thinking is why not use it for the benefit of yourself and your family?

To the question of what kind of flowers must be in the house, answer not only folk signs but also Chinese teachings.

In Feng Shui, the main criterion for choosing a plant for your home is your compatibility.

In a word, like it - please!

There are several rules, compliance with which is mandatory for Feng Shui and is entirely justified in terms of aesthetics and common sense.

Here they are:

  • The house should have only fresh flowers. Ideally, growing, not cut.
  • Dried and dead specimens should be sent to the trash as quickly as possible and without regrets.
  • Any home plants should be at least a meter away from the places where you rest: sleep, read, watch TV, etc.
  • The bedroom, according to Feng Shui, is not the best place for indoor plants because of their intense yang energy. It suppresses loving activity and can affect your personal life.
  • But in places of accumulation and stagnation of energy - niches, corners, etc. - Plants can and should be placed.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


In Feng Shui, the energy content of the home is of great importance.

Each part of the room corresponds to its element, and by placing plants of various factors in different rooms. You can activate or, conversely, stifle the influence of one or another aspect.

So, the Metal, which has healing properties and a beneficial effect on passion in a pair, includes white flowers and all plants with light leaves.

Among them are aloe and Kalanchoe (mostly young), jasmine, gardenia, primrose, citrus fruits, ficus, cyclamen, begonia.

Fiery plants add energy, contribute to change and success.

All red-colored ones belong to them: geranium, physalis, hibiscus, gerbera - as well as cacti and all kinds of creeping succulents.

"Land" plants help to establish relationships in the family, bring peace and good mood.

They bloom yellow and orange: hydrangeas, tea roses, philodendrons, asters, and orchids.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


The element Water is responsible for creativity and family ties, but also brings light notes of melancholy.

The plants of this group are easily recognizable by their love of darkness and moisture: asparagus, violets (violet only), iris, dracaena, camellia, etc.

Almost all flowering herbaceous plants belong to the element of the Tree.

TIP: CAREFULLY STUDY ZONING SPACE BY FENG SHUI BEFORE PLACING HOME PLANTS. ERRORS CAN seriously affect the energy background of the house and, accordingly, the entire atmosphere of housing and family relationships.

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


Almost all traditions do not recommend placing plants where you sleep.

But if you want to put a couple of pots in the bedroom, be sure to find out what flowers should be in the house. And at the same time, they will not be able to harm you during sleep.

Science will help in this, namely, all the same, NASA research.

According to them, some plants do not switch at night to the production of carbon dioxide and continue to purify the air, but the smell of flowers helps to sleep deeper and healthier.

Such instances include:

  • Lavender
  • Jasmine
  • Sansevieria three-way
  • Chlorophytum crested
  • Aloe
  • Gardenia
  • Valerian
  • Ivy
  • Spathiphyllum
  • Dips yellowish
  • Gerberas
  • Epipremnum Golden

We green the house - 10 best plants for living in harmony


That's the whole wisdom of choosing plants for the home.

Make the most of their useful qualities and do not believe in bad ones - and each element of the apartment garden will bring you joy and pleasure.

Well, you are choosing flowers at a flower shop that must be in the house. Do not forget to arm yourself with a photo and make sure that you have purchased the right flower.
